We are a volunteer organization dedicated to improving our community through service projects and outreach programs. Our members come from all walks of life and are united in their desire to make a positive impact in the world. Whether you're interested in volunteering your time or making a donation, there are many ways to get involved with Kiwanis Club of Kennewick.
Our signature program is "Breaking the cycle of Poverty in our Community." The club has "adopted" Amistad Elementary and members are involved helping kids at that school. One of the many ways we help, is by volunterering for "Team Read." Team Read pairs members from our club, as well as other community volunteers, with boys and girls who need additional help with their reading skills. We volunteer to meet with students once a week and work with them throughout the year on their reading skills. Teachers have said that those kids who are being mentored by our members have improved tremondously. If you think this sounds rewarding, your are right, it really is!
Feel free to meet us for lunch at noon any Tuesday at Zintel Creek Golf Club in Kennewick. We would be happy to give you more information about how you can be involved.